Ayurveda Thailams

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Brahmi Thailam, an Ayurvedic medicated oil, highlighted against a serene background to emphasize its calming properties. The oil, renowned for balancing Pitta dosha, contains key ingredients like Brahmi, Amalaki, and Yashti.

Brahmi Thailam

Vanaf €19,00

The image features a bottle of Ksheerabala Thailam, an Ayurvedic medicinal oil, displayed prominently against a peaceful, natural backdrop that underscores its therapeutic properties. The clear labeling on the bottle highlights its main ingredient, Bala, and suggests its use for nerve and joint health.

Ksheerabala thailam

Vanaf €21,00

Mahanarayana Thailam

Mahanarayana Thailam

Vanaf €23,00

Nasya Olie 15ML

Nasya Olie 15ML

Vanaf €10,00