Secrets de soins de la peau ayurvédiques


Terminalia chebula, commonly known as Harad, is an Ayurvedic herb from the Combretaceae family. Renowned for its remarkable health benefits, it earns the moniker "King of Medicine.” Harad thrives in regions such as the Middle East, China, India, and Thailand, producing yellow to orange-brown fruits. It is a key component of the popular ayurvedic formulation Triphala.


1. Taste (Rasa): Includes Kashaya, Madhura, Amla, Katu, Tikta (all except salty)

2. Qualities (Guna): Light and dry (Laghu, ruksha)

3. Potency (Veerya): Hot (Ushna)

4. Post-digestive effect (Vipaka): Sweet (Madhura)

5. Actions (Karma): Tridoshashamana (pacifying all three Doshas), Deepan (appetizer), Medhya (intelligence improving), and Rasayana (rejuvenating).


1. Improved digestion and nutrient absorption

Harad creates a healthy intestinal environment, aiding in better absorption of nutrients. Its appetizer and digestive properties facilitate this process.

2. Relief from constipation

Harad's laxative property, particularly when taken at night, helps manage constipation effectively.

3. Assistance in weight management

By removing toxins from the body, regulating the digestive system, and improving metabolism, Harad supports weight management efforts.

4. Prevention of cough and cold

With its Kapha balancing nature, Harad naturally helps prevent cough and cold.

5. Boosting immunity and longevity

Harad's rejuvenating properties contribute to enhanced immunity and longevity.

6. Treatment of skin diseases

Through blood purification and promotion of new cell growth, Harad manages skin diseases effectively. It is a natural toner that flushes out the toxins from your skin's internal layer.

7. Management of arthritis pain and neurological disorders

Harad's Vata balancing properties aid in managing joint pain and support the nervous system, potentially benefiting those with Alzheimer's disease.

8. Good for eye health

Harad benefits eye health and combats general weakness owing to its Chakshushya (good for eyes) and Brahan (health-improving) properties.

9. Management of hair health

Harad is an amazing herb that helps control hair loss and promotes hair growth. This is due to the presence of vitamin C, iron, manganese, selenium, and copper, which provide optimal nourishment to the scalp.


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